‘Please begin your landing Henrik Winter’ control voice said while he settled the Stormbreaker into the docking bay of the Argus detention center.
‘Haven’t been here in a while’ muttering to myself the landing smooth and with a slight nudge to the thrusters, perfect not even a scrape on the landing pad, going toward the exit ramp, the welcome party at the bottom comprised two escorts in armor and a big fat gentleman in front he spilled out of his garb, great somebody must have stuffed him here to keep him out of sight, he was also in charge, looking at the rank on his shoulder.
‘Hello, Mr winter what brings you to Argus my name is Cosman the commandant of this facility,’ the man’s jowls wobbled with each syllable.
‘Looking for a prisoner captured in the last month above Rolshar I am wondering if he’s even here or transferred off to a prison planet by the judge.’ I handed over a data slate to him, which enclosed the relevant information, I smiled at the guards, they both nodded back one even reciprocated a smile.
‘Ah yes, the pirate, he and his friend have been causing us trouble trying to escape, we had to beef up the surrounding security, I’ll take you to him’ Cosman led the way through the holding prison, our entourage walked past auto-cannon emplacements which…