Marcus stood there glaring at us from the other side of the brig, rocker man had been removed and sent to a clinic to get himself cleaned up from all the stimulants contained in his system. The children got sent back to the room after a checkup in the Starlight medical facility. ‘Henrik shall we leave you and your new acquaintance for a chat’ I nodded while Zia and the two security personnel Silker and Tilen closed the door of the holding cells to give us a little privacy, we all knew the place is monitored through secret cameras and listening devices but at least Marcus could feel it was just between us.
‘Marcus can I ask you a few questions’ I asked politely, Marcus just stared with contempt I thought his head would implode from holding in his anger which radiated everywhere and then like nothing he exhales heavily.
Instead of anger some of his usual resolve came back into place, he sat down on the bed in the cell and crossed his legs ‘I don’t know what you want of me Henrik apart from ripping my world apart’ Marcus sarcasm for the whole switched out scenario made me smile for a short while.
I was his prisoner first and now with the tables turned Marcus wasn’t fazed at all; I guess he had been here before, probably made a deal or two under these situations, hence he was back in control of the temper brewing behind those eyes.
‘The shipment you gave to the…