Minor shock, then a look of horror crossed his face for an instant the fact that he couldn’t spin me a tale and that I knew Marcus was the only one left in charge of the whole place his face started to go bright red, I knew my conversation was over anger had asserted itself ‘Tryus, Sang tear this man apart’ he said while already fleeing through the doors. I would follow but Sang stood in the way of my target while Tryus dove forwards tackling me down to the ground, increasing my physical strength I pushed him off I was a little surprised he got me down a strong man you should not make mistakes against, Tryus tumbled backward and Sang charged at me his arm outstretched like a wrestler about to crush his victim this looked very reminiscent of the wrestlers on Elokda fighting each other for the command of the clans, time for a test of strength, one I would not lose, I rapidly expanded the shield around my body fast to repulse Sang away, Tryus finally got up while Sang flew over the dining table crashing in amongst the fine food.
Tryus attacked again fast swings, his big fists attacked my face and body using the same combos from the casino I evaded most while blocking the more intricate combinations, swift and agile, he might have bested me if I wasn’t equally trained and today his luck is about to run out I ducked past a strong right and hit…