Member-only story
Beginning of the end Chapter 17
Become a medium member
Behind hundreds of monitors overseeing the casino sat a large man who never got nervous nor afraid of anything.
In the largest casino on the starlight hundreds of dealers, and gamblers all trying to make the win of a lifetime, I smiled to myself this will never happen the house always wins and if any patrons caused trouble the heavily muscled bodyguards; I hired would remove them swiftly and painfully reminding them never to return. Relaxing back in my chair I surveyed my riches I loved looking at people feeding my wealth. The jewels in my rings and the gold dangling from my neck, over time I found loyal servants able to accomplish my every whim, this would allow me to enjoy my wealth in peace but now and then a problem would bring me back.
A crime lord wasn’t easy you always need to maintain the system you carefully put in place, but when that same system you built starts to give you a hard time you must step in to correct the problem before it collapsed. ‘Who is the gentleman that is disrupting our corner of the world’ I said, looking at the screens again for the well-built trouble maker, I stared at the man with a scarred face this same person my men spotted in some sensitive areas. No one answered me always too scared these underlings.